As an organization that regularly emphasizes the importance of hitting sales numbers, maintaining morale and motivation at Progrexion is often a difficult task. But, that’s exactly the job we were given: create a theme and “Playbook” that could guide marketing efforts through each quarter of 2018. Our solution, however, didn’t just include a printed magazine, but also customized awards, branded swag, t-shirts and themed pins.

For the concept, we wanted something that evoked a sense of the divine. We wanted to show readers that the work they do matters, and that while it won’t be easy, it will be worth it. We landed on “Stake Your Claim.” Through the use of awe-inspiring imagery, we pushed readers to find their mountain, build a plan, never give up and ultimately, stake their claim at the top of the mountain.

With the concept and visual direction decided, we then created quarterly magazines with updated articles, goals, plans and culture photos. We supplemented these with branded swag and pins, as well as themed wall art throughout the office space.
Playbook 2018

Playbook 2018
