Vero Garal's profile

Welcome to THE FAMILY | Video marketing

is a series of short videos made to welcome new clients to the company.
Create a short 40 second video showing the solutions that your new ABI product offers in your particular industry sector.
Example 1:
Lockheed Martin awards 3rd contract to ABI for its complete set of solutions for troubleshooting and repair of electronic circuit boards. ABI's BoardMaster and JTAGMaster units will be deployed to a new location in America and used in the sustainment of mission-critical systems reducing E-waste and costs. This will be the third site to be equipped with ABI systems since March 2021.
Example 2:
Welcome U.S rail component specialists AmePower to ABI and the RepairDontWaste movement! AmePower's investment in ABI's electronic troubleshooting system BoardMaster and reverse engineering equipment RevEng will provide exclusive capabilities to AmePower for highly sophisticated refurbishment, recovery, and modernisation of power electronics used in rail such as:
✔ Phase Modules
✔ Auxiliary Power Supplies
✔ High Voltage Power Supplies
✔ Battery Chargers
Welcome to THE FAMILY | Video marketing


Welcome to THE FAMILY | Video marketing
