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Repair, Don't Waste | Campaign Identity

Design for repair, train for repair!

#RepairDontWaste movement started in 2015 was created by ABI Electronics to educate business leaders, technical staff, and the next generation on why repair-first should be prioritised over replacement. aims to highlight the importance of implementing a repair-first approach in every business and educate those in the industry by collating insightful information about PCB repair, alongside evidence of the vast successes of those in the field who choose to repair rather than replace.
Below some screen captures of the website.

The modern world runs on electronic systems that are designed to last many years. Tons of natural resources are carved out every day to produce semiconductor chips and other components. These will eventually be mounted on printed circuit boards (PCB) and will effectively become the brain of most pieces of industrial technology. These expensive circuit board assemblies are used in industrial applications to help control our vehicles, production machinery, airplanes, wind turbines, and so on. Typically costing from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, they are ultimately used to manage power, safety systems, monitoring devices, quality checks, and many other functions.
Replacing faulty industrial technologies for new ones is wasteful, unnecessary, and aggravates the E-waste issue. According to the United Nations University, more than 50 million tons of E-waste are produced globally every year. It’s past due time for the replace-not-repair mentality to be phased out across the business spectrum.  It’s an essential step to eliminating waste, lowering emissions, and saving precious resources.
For more info visit
Repair, Don't Waste | Campaign Identity


Repair, Don't Waste | Campaign Identity
