I worked with agency FollowBubble on a Facebook game for their client Bosch in the Czech Republic. Players search for Bosch-made appliances in three increasingly difficult levels of seek-and-find illustrations: Home, Factory, and Street.
I created all three large, complex, full-color drawings as well as the intro illustration and icons by using a Wacom tablet. I had a lot of fun adding little details and designing "Boschville" in its entirety.
You can play the full game on Facebook. The whole thing is in Czech, but you can get the idea pretty easily. Search for the Bosch Appliances.
I included the factory and the house in this complete street scene to make the whole town make sense in context.

Below are some screenshots of how the game looks in its completed form inside of the Facebook game



Series of isometric seek-and-find style illustrations for a Facebook game app. Find hidden Bosch appliances in Boschville: https://apps.facebook. Read More
