Li Lyn T.'s profile

The Magnificence of the Everyday Zip

The Magnificence of the Everyday Zip
The Brief
Choose an artefact or routine that interests you and look at it from perspectives you haven't considered before. Develop a strategy and narrative for your material, how to visualise and explain to your target audience your way of looking at it.

The Concept
The artefact I chose was the simple zip – something that almost everybody uses every day. Through my research, I learnt more about the importance of the invention of zips, and the variety of uses it has. Ranging from seat covers to outdoor gear, the zip has travelled from the depths of the sea to space.

The Outcome
A series of paper cut illustrations were created, featuring different uses of zips. These illustrations were compiled into a mini zine following the zip through its travels.​​​​​​​

The Magnificence of the Everyday Zip

The Magnificence of the Everyday Zip
