Arthur Copes's profile

The Benefits of Naturopathic Medicine

As the owner and president of Bio Wellness Center, Arthur Copes orchestrates and develops naturopathic care. Arthur Copes directly treats from three to seven patients each day, in addition to creating naturopathic treatments that use natural herbs, compounds, and enzymes to confront chronic illnesses.
Naturopathic medicine embraces a range of therapies designed to help the body heal itself. In addition to natural treatments, these therapies may involve acupuncture, massage, and nutritional counseling. Many traditional naturopathic treatments are centuries old, while it’s generally agreed that this form of medicine first gained prominence in the United States during the 19th century.
Naturopathy focuses as much on a patient’s mental and spiritual well-being as it does on their physical wellness. The result is a holistic approach to healthcare that helps patients understand how their mental state affects their physical state, and vice-versa. It is also a highly personalized form of treatment that focuses on tackling the root cause of a patient’s symptoms, rather than simply prescribing treatments to alleviate the symptoms. The naturopathic approach can be applied to disease prevention and the treatment of disorders.

The Benefits of Naturopathic Medicine

The Benefits of Naturopathic Medicine
