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God, Science & Reality Book Cover

Author: Pinaki Ganguly | Cover Design: Subinoy Das | Publisher: Bee Books
God, Science, and Reality is an enthralling journey that involves a battle of wit through which a modern-day atheist, a scientist, a mathematician, and a philosopher, with the help of the ancient oriental wisdom of a Maharṣi (sage), in a course of discussion unearth the true face of reality. The book raises some fundamental questions about the nature of God, Science, and their relationship with man and ultimate reality. Our reality has two dimensions -- sublime and mundane -- and Maharṣi touches them both.
In this book one finds Sanskrit words critically decoded to extract their lost meanings and only then the Vedic dossiers open up to a holistic scientific view and we are left to marvel at the ancient knowledge. A completely new model of reality is built which encompasses Man, Nature, Knowledge, Religion, Cosmos, Consciousness, and Existence as a whole. 
The author puts forward a compelling and unbiased interdisciplinary account where Nature, Knowledge, Physics, Neurobiology, Philosophy, Sociology, and Religion meet at the crossroad of time. In this ultimate marriage you are cordially invited!

★ ★ ★
God, Science, and Reality: Audacity of Reason and Tenacity of Truth (Bookway, Rs.495) by Pinaki Ganguly attempts to crack the ultimate puzzle concerning reality, knowledge, faith and human society. What distinguishes this work is apparently its interdisciplinary approach – a mishmash of Physics, Neurobiology, Philosophy, Sociology, and so on – which promises to reveal the Master’s Plan to the lay reader. Ganguly does not leave it at that. He proceeds to identify the path that ought to be taken to accomplish the goals that life has to offer. This distinctly mystical model of investigating reality has a rather soporific effect on the mind.  

- The Telegraph, India

★ ★ ★

God, Science, and Reality is a gold mine of wisdom and a must-read for modern people seeking transcendental knowledge. - Prabuddha Bharat (Awakened India) , Ramkrishna Mission

★ ★ ★

Here the author attempted to blend many very deep concepts on Physics,Philosophy, Psychology and Religion all together. That is truly amazing. That held me spellbound.     
- Dr.Suhrit K. Dey ,Professor Emeritus, 
and Former Senior Research Associate - NASA
God Science & Reality Book Cover
God Science & Reality Book Cover
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God, Science & Reality Book Cover


God, Science & Reality Book Cover
