HWC: Agency Life
Work Hard. Play Hard.
HW Creative was founded in 2010 and has produced a considerable amount of work during its short lifespan. But as hard as we work, we never forget to have some fun in the process.
Jessica, Graphic Designer, escaping for some quiet reflection time.
This is the "Work Hard" part of the equation. Kristy, Brena and Kerri totally immersed in their work.
The Creative Director's mad whiteboard. If you have a question, he has an answer. Or two. Or three. But most likely seven more questions.
Creatives hard at work in our Art Department. Notice the foosball table in the back. That is the "Play Hard" part of the equation.
The Creative Director hands out the "Bolt" award to those whith exemplary work ethics: here, Cory Davies, our  Account/Brand Director. Definitely well deserved.
Jacob Gaffney, Executive Editor, and Greg Lakloufi, Executive Creative Director, reflect on a fresh new batch of awards. (See what I did there? Reflect, because it's made of glass. Nice.)
Thousands of 3D glasses arrived from China this morning for a very cool 3D project for a client. The late shipping made a few people very nervous around the agency.
Last call before client presentation in the morning.
Internal creative review. Designers, Art Directors and Copywriters seem to work better when bagels are involved in the process.
Video editing is a long and painful process. Buddy, Video Editor, discussing the HD rendering and compression part of our latest video project.
Shooting videos in the office for one of the many event HWC organized and marketed in 2013.
Ah Christmas... A magical time.
Creative review. Ryan, Sr. Art Director, pitching his team's concepts to Greg, Creative Director. 
Michele, Graphic Designer, and Rosangel, Art Director hard at work and yet always up for a smile.
Halloween Costumes contest. Clearly this was no contest: Pregnant Snooky unanimously.
Our Digital Team hard at work. Joe, UI/UX Designer, runs through the wireframes of a new website with Jason, Digital Director, while Jody, Coder/Developer, pretends not to pay attention.
Benji, Associate Creative Director, and Greg, Executive Creative Director, listen attentively to a client during a Discovery meeting.
Lunch & Learn session. Polly, Sr. Art Director, explains the benefits of corporate blogs in our new social media world.
A quick sneak peek into our CEO's office. Yep, that's right, move that magazine Paul.
Client presentation. Play time is over. Cory, Account Director, and Benji, Associate Creative Director run through a branding workshop.
Amy, Copywriter, and Rosangel, Art Director, listening attentively to a creative brief.
Paul, our CEO, working through a preliminary branding workshop for a client.
Dorothy, Rosangel and Greg. Creative sweep. Best Chili, Best Costume and Best Dessert. Bam!
Chili Cook Off! Paul, CEO, enjoys a taste of the "Left Turn Chili".
Kerry, Copy Editor, Greg, Creative Director, and Jacob, Executive Editor, caught in the unspeakable act of enjoying working together...
The secret to fit 3,000 guests, 60 booths, two Keynote Stages, 60 Lunch Tables, four Buffet Lines, a Cocktail Reception area, a Technology Showcase Pavilion, and a Car Give-away in the Fort Worth Convention Center? Red sharpie. Lots of red sharpie.
Internal Creative Review discussing implementation and launch of a new branding identity system.
Brainstorm board. DO NOT ERASE.
Conference call. Kelly, Account Executive, Greg, Creative Director, and Cory, Account Director, participating in a client pitch in New York.
Discussing illustration revisions for a new ad campaign.
Christmas luncheon.
Shooting day in our lobby. Buddy, Video Editor, looking for a plug... as usual.
Skye, Graphic Designer, as always, in a fantastic mood.
Hillary, Graphic Designer, and Rosangel, Art Director, taking a break from looking for the perfect picture.
HWC is located in Plano, TX. Here, our Creative Director's office. If you're looking for something, it's probably in there somewhere.
Picture Day at HW. From Left to Right: Brena, Kerri Ann, Christi, Greg, Taylor, Kristy, Rosangel and Jacob, a.k.a. "The Emperor."
Agency Life

Agency Life

