attractive models  rebranding

The famous Hungarian agency has a history of more than 15 years. To reach new faces and clients, they wanted to renew their identity in a more playful, fresh way, which is aimed more to the young audience. 

I designed a feminine, wavy logotype, which can be used nicely and variously in social media and on printed materials as well. The logo is placed according to the movements and content of the images, so that it becomes part of it. The shape was formed by the catway walk and the models body poses. The colour palette is neutral beige and light pink colours combined with black & white to keep the focus on the attractive photos. For the website an animated logo appears, and we included a news part on the main page, where new materials can be shown.

Created in collaboration with the amazing girls of Nomad Creatives Social Media Agency
Niki and Bori •
Project date: 2020

The images presented here are copyrighted and owned by various photographers and are taken from the model agency's online portfolio.
Attractive Models

Attractive Models
