Our objective was to take an already existing design and redesign it, in our own way. I took the Jell-O brand, and redesigned a package of a new flavor.
I took the real original design and broke down the folds. Once it was one flat image, I traced it with the fold marks as well. I then took a picture of the bare design, and put it online. Everything I designed, I did overtop this online version.
On paper, I created a mood board with designs, words, images, and feelings to help me decide what it was I wanted. Originally I had two main ideas. A new 'pineapple' flavor with. a beach design, or a new 'watermelon' design with a minimalistic feel.
I decided on the watermelon idea. Below I created another mood board but online this time. I took pictures of already existing food packages that had the same feel I was looking for. I also laid out the original designs, logos, and necessary information to have it all in one place.
I used a new program for the first time to create the new Jell-O logo. Adobe 3D Stager allowed me to create a new 3D bubble design which I really enjoyed. This new logo had the perfect feel for what I envisioned. 
I also worked on the main watermelon logo that would be on the front of the design. 
Above, was my final design. I really enjoyed making this design and I'm proud of what it became.
Logo Redesign

Logo Redesign


Creative Fields