Jelani Hunt's profile

Course Evaluation

I truly enjoyed this course. It allowed me to see things from a different perspective. My mother would always ask me to take photos at her events then get upset when she saw them because I didn't take my time or care about what I was shooting. I now see why she always was so disappointed. I never took photography seriously but after taking this course I have a new found perspective and love for photography. I see how photos tell a story and show things from various perspectives. It allowed me to open my eyes and express myself creatively. I enjoyed taking the course and will continue to use all that I have learned to become a better photographer. Professor diBenedetto was very hands on and was always willing to assist me when I needed help. The only thing I didn't like about the course was the TEAMS platform. I found it very difficult to keep up with the assignments and stay on task. I'm not sure if I was doing something wrong or if I'm just not TEAMS savvy; however that's the only thing I would change about the course. I think if all the assignments and links to the directions/Powerpoints were listed in one place based off what it was that would have made the course assignments and due dates less confusing. For example all the assignments and blogs etc. should be listed under the corresponding tabs instead of in random places like the feed. I had to search high and low for some assignments and if I didn't know they existed I would have never known to go searching for them. Other than that this course was great and I would definitely recommend taking it. Thanks Professor diBenedetto for allowing me to express myself creatively and opening my eyes to a new perspective and passion in my life. 
Course Evaluation

Course Evaluation


Creative Fields