Tutankhamun's golden mask

This is an art that I really enjoy doing because it has a lot of richness in the colors and details, even if spaced, I always try to mix the warmer tones with the cold colors, giving depth to the drawing, and this copy I developed at the time of isolation due to the pandemic that affected the whole world. So while I spent a period with the studio closed respecting the rules of health surveillance, I took the opportunity to put my skills into practice and made some arts both in the Egyptian style and in fanarts in a more comic style. 

Materials used
✅ Canson cream paper
✅ Pencil: Supersoft @Faber-Castell
Tutankhamun[a] was an Egyptian pharaoh who was the last of his royal family to rule during the end of the 18th Dynasty (ruled c. 1332 – 1323 BC in the conventional chronology) during the New Kingdom of Egyptian history. His father is believed to be the pharaoh Akhenaten, identified as the mummy found in the tomb KV55. His mother is his father's sister, identified through DNA testing as an unknown mummy referred to as "The Younger Lady" who was found in KV35.[9]
Tutankhamun took the throne at eight or nine years of age under the unprecedented viziership of his eventual successor, Ay, to whom he may have been related. He married his paternal half-sister Ankhesenamun. During their marriage they lost two daughters, one at 5–6 months of pregnancy and the other shortly after birth at full-term.[10] His names—Tutankhaten and Tutankhamun—are thought to mean "Living image of Aten" and "Living image of Amun", with Aten replaced by Amun after Akhenaten's death. A small number of Egyptologists, including Battiscombe Gunn, believe the translation may be incorrect and closer to "The-life-of-Aten-is-pleasing" or, as Professor Gerhard Fecht believes, reads as "One-perfect-of-life-is-Aten".
Tutankhamun restored the Ancient Egyptian religion after its dissolution by his father, enriched and endowed the priestly orders of two important cults and began restoring old monuments damaged during the previous Amarna period. He reburied his father's remains in the Valley of the Kings and relocated the capital from Akhetaten back to Thebes. Tutankhamun was physically disabled with a deformity of his left foot along with bone necrosis that required the use of a cane, several of which were found in his tomb. He had other health issues including scoliosis and had contracted several strains of malaria.
The 1922 discovery by Howard Carter of Tutankhamun's nearly intact tomb, in excavations funded by Lord Carnarvon,[11] received worldwide press coverage. With over 5,000 artifacts, it sparked a renewed public interest in ancient Egypt, for which Tutankhamun's mask, now in the Egyptian Museum, remains a popular symbol. The deaths of a few involved in the discovery of Tutankhamun's mummy have been popularly attributed to the curse of the pharaohs. He has, since the discovery of his intact tomb, been referred to colloquially as "King Tut".
Some of his treasure has traveled worldwide with unprecedented response. The Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities allowed tours beginning in 1961 with the exhibit at National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.,[12] followed by dozens of cities in the United States and Canada (1961–1965), three cities in Japan (TokyoKyoto, and Fukuoka, 1965–1966). and the Petit Palais in Paris (1967).[13][14] The exhibits drew in millions of visitors. The 1972–1979 exhibit was shown in United Kingdom, Soviet Union, United States, Canada, and West Germany. There were no international exhibitions again until 2005–2011. This exhibit featured Tutankhamun's predecessors from the 18th Dynasty, including Hatshepsut and Akhenaten, but did not include the golden death mask. The treasures 2019–2022 tour began in Los Angeles and will end in 2022 at the new Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, which, for the first time, will be displaying the full Tutankhamun collection, gathered from all of Egypt's museums and storerooms.

Tutancâmon(pt-BR) ou Tutancámon(pt), Tutancamon(pt-BR)[2] ou ainda Tutankhamon[3] (c. 1 341 a.C. — c. 1 323 a.C.[4]) foi um faraó da décima oitava dinastia (governou de c. 1332–1323 a.C. na cronologia egípcia), durante o período da história egípcia conhecido como Império Novo.[5] Desde a descoberta de sua tumba intacta, foi referido coloquialmente como Rei Tut. Seu nome original, Tutankhaten, significa "Imagem viva de Áton", enquanto que Tutankhamun significa "Imagem viva de Amom".[6] Em hieróglifos, o nome Tutankhamun era tipicamente escrito Amen-tut-ankh, devido a um costume dos escribas de colocarem um nome divino no começo de uma frase para a reverência apropriada.[7] Tutancâmon é possivelmente Nibhurrereya[8] mencionado nas Cartas de Amarna e provavelmente o rei da dinastia XVIII, Rathotis,[9] que, de acordo com Manetão, um historiador antigo, reinou por apenas nove anos — uma hipótese que está de acordo com a versão de Flávio Josefo do epítome de Manetão.[10]
A descoberta de 1922 por Howard Carter da tumba de Tutancâmon, financiada por Lord Carnarvon,[11][12] recebeu cobertura da imprensa mundial. Isso despertou um renovado interesse público pelo antigo Egito, do qual a Máscara mortuária de Tutancâmon continua sendo um símbolo popular. Exibições de artefatos de sua tumba percorreram o mundo. Em fevereiro de 2010, os resultados do teste de DNA confirmaram que ele era o filho da múmia encontrada na tumba KV55, que alguns acreditavam ser Aquenáton. Sua mãe era a irmã e a esposa de seu pai, cujo nome é desconhecido, mas cujos restos mortais são positivamente identificados como a múmia "Dama Jovem" (pt-BR) (pt[13] encontrada na tumba KV35 (Possivelmente Nefertiti).[14] A morte de alguns envolvidos na descoberta da múmia de Tutancâmon tem sido popularmente atribuída à Maldição do faraó.[15]

*** FONTE ***

Esta é uma arte que curto muito fazer por que tem muita riqueza nas cores e detalhes mesmo que espaçados procuro sempre mesclar os tons mais quentes com as cores frias dando uma profundidade ao desenho, e este exemplar eu desenvolvi na época do isolamento devido a pandemia que afetou o mundo inteiro. Então enquanto passei um período com o estúdio fechado respeitando as normas da vigilância sanitária aproveitei para pôr as habilidades em prática e fiz algumas artes tanto no estilo egípcio quanto em fanarts numa pegada mais comics.

Materiais utilizados 
✅ Papel creme Canson 
✅ Lápis: Supersoft @Faber-Castell
+55 (11) 95798-4377 📲 WhatsApp 
Cícero Martins - Tattoo artist since 2003
Rua Visconde de Inhaúma, 491, 
Osvaldo Cruz, São Caetano do Sul - 

✅ GOOGLE MAPS - https://cmstattoo.negocio.site 

Tutankhamon Mask


Tutankhamon Mask


Creative Fields