Once upon a time, I had this radical idea to combine my illustration skills and advanced print skills to make a deck of cards.  Plan was to raise money to create it on Kickstarter.  They were going to be beautiful.  I was 85% done with all the illustrations, with only a few to go. 

The excitement was building as I was getting closer, but alas this never made Kickstarter.  That's ok.  I mean the $12 I would have raised hardly would have gotten me into production on these.  Instead, just look at these pretty pictures and renderings and join me in a drink of dispair for what could have been if I had rich friends and connections.  Also, see my game Kickstarter!  Spoiler, it failed.  I'd start a go fund me, but we both know where that is going to go.  I do have a Patreon.  I'd put it here, but its honestly not worth the effort.
Card Project

Card Project

This yet to be completed project needs your help. Please like it on facebook and twitter if you would like to see it completed and get a copy of Read More
