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American Red Cross Training Guide (EME6630)

The American Red Cross Adult First Aid CPR/AED Ready Reference Training Guide
Gerald Wu - EME6630 - LMS & Organization
The American Red Cross Training Guide is a course designed in the EdApp LMS program. This course is to be completed online in a 4-week time frame. The training guide goes through the basic procedures for applying first aid to victims and injured people. Week four below showed many different types of assignments to the learner. The video explains the process and content of the LMS and how each section would be viewed. There is also a course map to show the whole term at a glance. Screenflow was used to record the narrated explanation of the LMS. 

This training guide is for all adults learning first aid. It covers topics such as: checking an injured adult, choking, CPR, bleeding, burns, poisoning, head or spinal injuries, and strokes. The training guide goes through many subject areas and is approved by the American Red Cross. It contains text, photos, and graphics to illustrate the various points step by step. All the components within this LMS training are broken down into certain segments and then separated within the four weeks of the term. This training will increase the learners skillsets. There is an assessment at the end of the term to become certified. 

The purpose of this training guide is to educate and increase the knowledge of the learners’ skills. The training needed to be simple but effective in conveying the content to the learner. There could be students who are new to this subject, so the photos, video and graphics would help to convey this information. The completion of this program is to have more certified people in first aid. They could use this certification to acquire jobs, for safety concerns or to upgrade their status within an organization. The skills taught will increase the chances of these people for saving lives or avoid serious injuries. The training program is open to who the American Red Cross wants to access it. The training can appeal to anyone who wants to learn and grow their safety processes. It will be optimized for multi-modality across all electronic devices. The EdApp program was chosen to showcase the various assignments within this 4-week term. The App was simple to use and seemed like a good choice for instructional designers to use in creating a dynamic and visually creative training guide. The use of its templates facilitated the process more smoothly and made it easier to navigate through to achieve a completed product faster than creating all of it from scratch. 
Screenshot of a page in EdApp.
Hello everybody.  My name is Gerald Wu, and I created The American Red Cross Adult First Aid CPR/AED Ready Reference training guide, and I used an App called EdApp which you see in front of you on the screen. This is for course number EME6630 and I chose this one because it was pretty simple to use, and it had some templates that were ready-made, so it made is easier to create this course in the way I designed it. So, let’s take a look here, now let me give you a little background so we are in week 4. There is a task that is involved of students evaluate for head, neck, or spinal injuries and how to react for stroke victims. There is some media assets or readings or videos. They have a research component going through EBSCOHost. There is a discussion post, an initial and reply. There are no projects in this week. There are live sessions on a Tuesday and there is a journal reflection that is due on Sunday, and I will go through that more as I go through the actual content.

So, let’s open this up and as you can see, I picked a background here of The American Red Cross and it is pretty much the same throughout. I wish you could change each photo or slide but I couldn’t figure out how to do it that so. I gave the title at the top here. I gave a little information about the course that is in, my name, and what term, but obviously this could change if this was an actual real training for The American Red Cross. There is a “Let’s get started” button which is kinda cool. Let’s go to the next slide. This here is the week 4 overview video which would be created and put in here. I put a placeholder because obviously this was not done yet but there would be that they could just click on it, and it would automatically play the video.

The next slide is the outcomes of this week. What are they expected to do? I already said they would evaluate all of these things and they need to do some research on EBSCOHost on articles that they’re going to use for their argument in the discussion posts-the initial and the reply. Well go over that a little bit later.

The next slide is the zoom sessions. It tells you what we are going to talk about, and each week is a different subject. They are on Tuesdays at 8pm EST and there is a fake link right there.

After that, 10.4.1 is when we are starting the actual content. This is the readings/video section of what they need to look at. So, they will have to watch video, they are going to research like I discussed before and then they will have to read this article and there is a video to watch.

10.4.2 is the discussion post. There is an initial discussion, and they will use the research on those tasks. They are going to use a source in inside EBSCOHost and one source outside EBSCOHost, like a Youtube video, a website article or a textbook is acceptable. The initial post is due on Wednesday of that week. There will be a reply, which they will either agree or disagree with another student’s findings and they have to back it up with research found on EBSCOHost. That is due on Sunday of that week.

The next slide the reflection post that I previously mentioned that there is no project, so the reflection is 10.4.3 and what they are gonna do is create a two-paragraph written reflection journal about their experience with this training materials and what did they learn from the tasks provided inside this. Proper APA format is mandatory, and they post their two-paragraph reflection in the completion area on the LMS and that is due on Sunday of that week.

That is pretty much all I have here for week 4. I hope you enjoyed it and I will talk to you soon. 

Title page of the training guide workbook.

American Red Cross Training Guide (EME6630)

American Red Cross Training Guide (EME6630)
