Dean Logan's profile

Be Transfus10n Smart Campaign

Be Transfus10n Smart Campaign
Client: Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Iron—in the right amounts—is essential to maintaining a healthy body. But, patients who have received 10 or more blood transfusions during their lifetime are at risk for a potentially deadly condition called iron overload.

These are often patients who are already dealing with significant blood disorders—such as sickle cell disease, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and thalassemia—and require transfusions as part of their treatment. The iron they receive during transfusions stays in their bodies, building up over time. Having too much can eventually lead to organ damage—and even complete organ failure. While there’s a treatment that can help, not only are many patients unaware that they’re at risk for iron overload—they don’t even know the condition exists.

Because the audience for this program was extremely diverse in race, health literacy levels, socio-economic status and other factors, we incorporated a variety of adult learning principles to ensure program content was delivered in a way that appealed to all simultaneously.

Although it was a print-based program, it was created in a way that made the learning extremely interactive—which is the most effective way to facilitate adult education.

The program engaged patients, caregivers and loved ones for a six-month period—delivering materials in one-month intervals.

The campaign received a gold, silver and bronze award at the 2010 AAF-ADDY awards, an Award of Distinction from the 2010 Communicator Awards and was featured in the March, 2010 issue of PharmExec magazine.

Be Transfus10n Smart Campaign


Be Transfus10n Smart Campaign

Direct mail campaign designed to educate patients about an obscure but potentially life-threatening condition related to blood transfusions.
