Michelle McCoy's profile

Customer Engagement & Retention Materials

Business Overview Brochure & Presentation

Challenge: To communicate our business’ strengths across the company and highlight our ability to serve customers around the world, while addressing the specific needs of our customers in the Catalysts business. This piece introduces Grace as a leader in our industry, so the graphics needed to be high-end in order to convey Grace’s commitment to quality.
Solution: It was critical to include imagery that highlights our technical experience, global reach, and demonstrates our ability to play a major role in our industry. Geometric shapes, layered textures, and contrasting colors make this piece visually appealing, whether the audience is holding the brochure in their hands or viewing the material as a presentation.
Catalagram Spring 2013 Cover
Challenge: To convey Grace’s commitment to the refining process, from start to finish. This needed to be visually appealing so the recipients of the publication would be inclined to pick it up and read through it.
Solution: I paid attention to the direction of the lines in the photographs and used that to help illustrate movement throughout the layout, so the subject would focus on the refinery in the distance. My favorite part is the mix of black and white photography with color photography, because it draws more attention to the Grace logo on the truck.
Customer Engagement & Retention Materials

Customer Engagement & Retention Materials

2013 GD USA AWARD WINNER Business Overview Brochure & Presentation Challenge: To communicate Grace’s strengths across the company and highlight Read More
