[ARtv] 18 ALIENS Design and Animation
ARtv 18 Aliens was a project created as part of my internship at Institute. It aimed to present an Augmented Reality application during the Beta X exposition in Leicester. Visitors would be able to scan a specific symbol through the app to activate the 3D object on their phones. My job was to design 18 alien characters. We went through a lot of possibilities, colour schemes, styles
After selection, creating new designs and redesigns, here are the final 18 aliens.
By scanning these cards with the AR app, the 3D models (created by Jack Ellis) of the aliens will be activated and animated on your phone screen.
This video shows the AR app in action.
As part of the project, I was given assets and logos on Adobe Illustrator designed by Institute. I animated them in After Effects.
I also created animated pixelated interference patterns and added some of them between sections of the Final sequence. Here are samples of some of them.
Final sequence.

