I created these designs for a podcast series for a company. The brief was cartoon/playful style so I designed a cartoon image of a character and added the brand colours in the waves that weave in and out of the text to give it a more seamless effect.

With the microphone design I went for a simplistic but impactful design.
The above design I created for Triple Threat.

The business aims to support female and non-binary freelancers with African and Asian backgrounds in sharpening their business acumen skills as they navigate the creative arts sector.

I designed the line drawing with 3 women and kept them connected with the lines which is what I aimed for. 
This is a flier I designed for Triple Threat.
The above banners I designed for a company that wanted a Linkedin banner that represents them standing with the LGBTQ+ community for LGBTQ+ Awareness Month.

I created these banners using the LGBTQ+ colour swatch and masked in an LGBTQ+ march image to add more style.
This graphic is for Diwali. 
I designed this map for a website to show a timeline of when a business made partnerships in different countries.
I designed this banner for a Human Resources company, clean and professional were the keywords for the brief.
I designed these icons for a restaurant highlight reel to keep the profile clean.
Review cards I created for a restaurant and added a QR code to the card to take the customer to Trip Advisor.
This is a logo I designed for a young entrepreneur that travels across Africa to help animals. 
I designed this graphic for a fundraiser for a company with the brief being superheroes and pirates.
I designed these for a mobile night cinema business.
Left: Business Card
Right: Logo
This is the style of my designs that I do in my free time. Street art style.
Tion Gibbs

Tion Gibbs
