Politicians Ashtray
Brazil has serious problems about the corrupt politicians. To alert the people about what's going on and to feed this discussion we developed the Cinzeiro Político (Politicians Ashtray). 
It's a plate with photos of some brazilian politicians involved in corruption. With this project we invite those who pass on the street to put out their cigarette in the ashtray political, cleaning up the city in a creative way.
With this project we reached over 31.000 people on facebook and a thousands with spontaneous publications in the media:

Zupi Magazine: Apague sua bituca de cigarro na cara dos políticos.
Creatives: Rafael Ochoa, Marcos Botelho, Gabriel Barbério, Caio Murature
A.D.: Rafael Ochoa
C.W.: Marcos Botelho
Designers: Rafael Ochoa, Pedro Bauer, Nicholas Zugaib, Tomás Susemihl
Production: WAVE Project
Footage: Rafael Ochoa, Nicholas Zugaib, Tomás Susemihl, Pedro Bauer
Edit: Nicholas Zugaib
Politicians Ashtray

Politicians Ashtray

A política no Brasil tem sérios problemas de corrupção. Para alertar as pessoas sobre o que vem acontecendo no país e alimentar esse debate polít Read More
