Deepavali (or known as Diwali) always creates an inner festive happiness by bridging family and friends together. To as such several experimentations and typo works along the time caters to some commission purposes, self made greeting cards and wallpapers for free.
Typo experimentation; to cater the word as an illumination towards the havoc surroundings.To such Deepavali is presented so. (2007)
Addiction to Farmville; an online / web based game gave the chance to illustrate a somewhat, personalized look and with its festive Deepavali settings. (2009)
Made a collaborative effort with Iruhdam Maram cojoining the feel hailing from Malaysia and India - festive knickknacks together. 
Final collaborative piece with Iruhdam Maram
quick doodle work for a personal feel interject with subtle glows.
..and then, here. Looking forward for more Deepavali festive times goodness art sharings.
Free wallpapers can be downloaded here
Thank you for viewing!


Deepavali and its mode of celebrations via illustration/typography experimentations.
