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OCBC Bank Mighty Savers: The Power of Saving

Mighty Savers

No matter your age, money still makes most of us nervous. And that’s probably because many of us only started managing funds at a much later stage in life, with little to no financial education when we were young.
But parents these days believe in equipping their children with life skills as early as possible.
And so, it’s only natural that they look for tools and materials to help impart these financial lessons. 

If there's one thing kids can stay glued to without losing attention and focus, it's cartoon shows. They can even give you a breakdown of the cartoon scene by scene, as they absorb best from visual learning and storytelling. So instead of putting out another ad targeting parents, we decided to create a cartoon series that breaks down complicated financial lessons into child-friendly episodes. Now the kids get to watch educational cartoons, parents are happy and OCBC takes credit for the whole thing.

OBBC Bank Presents: OCBC Mighty Savers - The Power Of Saving. 
A series of animated cartoons featuring our 3 Mighty Savers mascots, Sally, Simon and Baby Sarah where they go on an adventure to save the earth from an evil nemesis and impart financial lessons along the way.

Episode 1: It Starts with Giving
All was well on Planet Earth until suddenly, the evil Dr. Greed casts a spell on the children and they start spending all their savings. Is it too late for the OCBC Mighty Savers to reverse the spell? Watch to find out.
Episode 2: The Battle of Wants and Needs
Tommy is torn between a pair of shoes he needs and a pair he really wants. 
Under evil Dr. Greed’s spell, Tommy struggles to decide. Will Simon the Mighty Saver be able to help him?
Bedtime stories on Instagram stories.
A set of Instagram stories were also designed to enable parents to engage their kids and revisit the financial lessons as part of their bedtime stories. ​​​​​​​
The plans were to continue with a whole season and use the cartoons as a platform to share different financial lessons for years to come but unfortunately, the clients had to can the project from Episode 2 onwards as they had a sudden budget cut organisation wide. Overall, the clients and us were still super proud of this project and we take heart that we created entertainment and not advertising. Long live Sally, Simon and Baby Sarah.

OCBC Bank Mighty Savers: The Power of Saving


OCBC Bank Mighty Savers: The Power of Saving
