William Hicks's profile

Catalyst (ASU(GIT)) Bumper

Catalyst is an Arizona State University student run program with aspirations to reach more demographics. Part of that initiative is to add a bumper to the program that represents its' agenda. Working with guidance from Professor Quest Rogers (ASU) and course Co-Author Professor John Hentges (ASU), I have crafted this bumper using
Adobe: After Effects, Illustrator and Photoshop

I did NOT create the Logo used in this bumper, the logo creation is accredited to the Students of Arizona State University.

The core idea behind this animation is discovery, As Catalyst is diving into the advancements of technology and approaching them from a scientific perspective, discovery is at the core of this animation and why I chose to have the brand identifier (Magnifying Glass) reveal the tagline "Shaping the Future". Also, in doing so, allowed me to use the other brand identifiers (Star, Cloud, Drop and Plant) and animate them in a 'living' way using Disney's 12 principles of animation. 

No animation presets are used, rather, everything is keyframed. The various types of animation keyframed include Scale, Anchor Point, < Position >, Opacity, and
Graph Editor elements to produce the final result. 
Catalyst (ASU(GIT)) Bumper


Catalyst (ASU(GIT)) Bumper
