It was long time ago, at the dawn of facebook.
This idea was one of the first in Poland to use facebook in a creative way.
It was the most awarded creative project in Poland on 2012.

We created a Facebook profile of a very attractive girl. She was sending Friend Requests to male users from our target. They had to decide whether to confirm or ignore her request, basing on her photo only. If they did, they could see the only post on her Wall there was: the movie, “Do you remember how we met?”.The movie used the user's POV to show their incautious decision just taken on Facebook as a real life situation: meeting our heroine at the bar, being tempted by her beauty, ending up in an intimate relationship despite knowing almost nothing about her.The final sex scene ended with: “She is HIV positive. Now you are too. Life is not Facebook. Don't accept invitations from strangers.”The filmed linked to a campaign webpage, where users could get information on how and where to take a blood test.

People behind the project:
Piotr Chrobot
Max Olech
Kamil Majewski
Wojtek Pakier
Michal Pawlowski
Bartek Pogoda
Friend request


Friend request
