Sofía Carrera-Britten's profile

Guiding Theory of Subtractive Plus

Guiding Theory of Subtractive Plus

Human efforts towards preservation 
(often the preservation of beauty)
lead to accumulations
which actively obstruct the desired preservation,
and thus eventually destroy the original beauty.


But then, we could view destruction as a generative process
through the perspective shift of a
[broken capitalist tool] to a [sacred art object], for example.

How do we make this shift?
Altering the presentation of the destruction.
Giving this destruction it’s own time and space within community.

This way, we account for failure in our expectations. As humans we cannot achieve perfection by trying to get to it directly. And yet there is perfection all around us. This should not deter us from striving to create beautiful things, but rather lead to an understanding in which the striving is the perfect thing. We move towards a world in which human failure is honorable and in which all labors and efforts are valuable, regardless of their objective and material results.

The House that Fear is Building
Apparatus for sifting (2)
Guiding Theory of Subtractive Plus

Guiding Theory of Subtractive Plus
