There you have it 3d's profile

3D Scanning Los Angeles

What is 3D scanning?
3D scanning captures the form, surface detail and, depending on the format, high-resolution colors data of an object or person. This data can be used to create 1:1 duplicates, scale models, digital asset, and many other uses, depending on the outcome of the scans. 

There You Have IT 3D is not just a world-class 3D printing service. We are also experts in 3D scanning in Los Angeles. We can export the data as many commonly used file types, including STL and OBJ.
What is 3D scanning used to do?
There You Have It 3D has clients who come to us to scan their items for a variety of reasons. We use our scanners internally to gather quick referential data on the alignment and spacing of objects. This data is then used for designing new connecting parts.

When special costuming is required, such as body suits or helmets, we often scan the body to reproduce and size actors.

We have scanned family heirlooms and historical sites to find referential data that can be used for restoration or insurance purposes.
3D Scanning Los Angeles

3D Scanning Los Angeles
