Work for the Faculty of Psychology of the University of La Laguna in collaboration with the psychologist Maria Vega.

We create a brand for a center called Physis from the Greek word "nature". Progress within oneself, through work and perseverance, willingness and perseverance, will and motivation is what we want to achieve with each of the people who come to our center, whatever their conditions are, we will do our best to be able to help them.
We'll do our best to help them, give them the tools and accompany them in their cognitive accompany them in their cognitive, maturational and emotional progress, but above all, in the enriching that going to therapy entails.
Our center will be a safe space, adapted to the personal circumstances of our users. This multidisciplinary team is qualified and trained so that the consultations are effective. Our goal is your goal, to improve, to achieve change.

"Psychology is the way that science has found to demonstrate that listening, you can also save people". 
Physis Psicología


Physis Psicología
