Your friendly neighborhood airport crêperie
Aerocrêpe wants to serve better food to frequent flyers as a fast-food and to-go crêperie with a predominantly airport business presence.
Harried travelers can carry their meal with one hand and get going
 Takeout packaging (12-, 16-, 20- and 31-oz cups, crêpe cone, and a folding box for two cups, two crêpes, or a cup and a crêpe) 
Three generations of trial boxes, engineered from scratch. I wanted to design a box that would be stored flat, yet quick to assemble
Company apron
Passport-style company brochures that doubles as a passport in which to collect stamps from every Aerocrêpe location; after 10 stamps, the owner of the passport is entitled to a complimentary crêpe


Branding and packaging for airport-based fast food French restaurant
