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Accessibility And Digital EPUBs Apex Solutions Limited

When e-book sales first started to take off in 2007, many people thought that physical books were going to be extinct. Today, they are still the most popular format for book sales. The eBook format has opened up new opportunities for publishers to reach out to readers who were previously limited by their physical book access.
As devices started to feature more useful features, it became clear that not all of them were created in a way that makes them truly accessible to all users. There are several factors that publishers and authors need to consider when it comes to improving the accessibility of their content in EPUB. A few of these include converting older titles to EPUBs, creating EPUB content for frontlist release, and more. eBooks are an excellent way to reach out to new readers and engage existing ones. They can also be used to attract attention-seekers who are looking for a particular title or series.

Accessibility And Digital EPUBs Apex Solutions Limited

Accessibility And Digital EPUBs Apex Solutions Limited
