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Anti Fast Fashion WRAP PSA Campaign


Fashion used to be divided into two main seasons: Spring/Summer and Fall/ Winter. With the emergence of fast fashion, fashion trends have been getting shorter and shorter over the last few years. Instead of the two traditional seasons, brands now introduce new collections approximately every three months. Since these trends are short-lived, the focus shifts from quality to quantity. These micro trends create major impacts on the environment. Too many non-renewable resources are used to create low-quality clothes with a short lifespan. These clothes then release a significant amount of waste into landfills or incineration sites. Every year, the fashion industry contributes to 20% of global water pollution. In the USA, over 10 million tons of clothing are thrown away each year.

Wrap is a textile organization that focuses on transforming the way the fashion and textile industry shops and recycles textiles and clothing. Our goals are to encourage people to become conscious buyers and change their consumption habits. Buying fewer, higher-quality pieces to reduce textile waste, or shopping at thrift stores and local businesses instead of large retailers are some great examples. Donating or upcycling unused items are also sustainable ways to extend their lifespan.

For what it costs, it's not so pretty.

My overall concept for this campaign is displaying the juxtaposition between ordinary clothing items and the brutal effects going on behind the scene.

Print Ad:

For prints, it's a magazine page of simple clothes with a tab and a line saying "Lift tab to see how this ___ was made." When the tab is lifted, it reveals negative impacts of the fashion/textile industry and provides useful information.

The billboard has a shape of a price tag. On the outside, it looks like a regular sale season advertisement. The billboard has motor allowing it to lift up the outer side. When lifted, the inner billboard has an image and some quick information, short enough for drive-by passengers. 
Transit Ad:

For a transit ad, I create an interactive billboard. It starts with an invitation to "Build your Outfit" and different categories to choose from. 
The screen allows a user to maneuver through options to create their outfit. After clicking "Done", it turns into a video filter, showcasing the user wearing the outfit they pick. 
After about 10 seconds, the fabric melts away revealing the actual impacts going on. The user is wearing the effects instead. Outfit options turn into informative panels and organization logo as well as a tagline to conclude the message. 

The point of this advertisement is to erase the distance between the audience and the message. By making people see themselves wearing the effects, it becomes personal, avoids "other people's problems" mentality and forces them to acknowledge their role as consumers. 
Anti Fast Fashion WRAP PSA Campaign


Anti Fast Fashion WRAP PSA Campaign

Anti fast fashion PSA campaign for ART 331
