Being a “misfit” is a stage of human where he is looking for his true identity and yet is unable to choose/find his purpose of life while holding traits (unwanted/unacceptable by the society/group ) he believe are important to him. If not sorted out proportionately to this very specific matter, the anxiety will soon turn into insanely disturbing and self-destructive - Mental illness!
Denial is not a solution always - it only works if you have a specific and clear goal.
But if the very person starts dealing with the suppression created by his own doubts or by people around him - positively, and make it a training/performance stage to present his specialty with results. The person will become stronger than others - the others with denials cannot reach the level of growth the person is now moving on. And now people are calling the same misfit a talented person - an inspiration!

you just need to earn the belief in yourself first. Don’t expect people to become like you to help you - they are unique in their own way too!

Learn it, earn it, share it - repeat.
Your weakness is waiting to become your power!