ReSecurity app

Task: create interface for the app that helps manage POS terminals

Re-security is a startup that develops security software for credit card terminals. The re-security platform helps small businesses and large networks to secure their point of sales from external and internal threats.​​​​​​​

With this project, we were trying look into workflows of the POS admins, and create a better experience for them: to help identify problems faster and manage huge number of terminals with ease.
Dashboard: contains charts with most important security information, that helps easily understand current state.
Terminals: instead of table list of terminals, we decided to use cards, which helps better grasp a state of the terminals and quickly find those that require admins attention (went offline, have hight suspicious activity, or need software update. 
Branches: similar to terminals, instead of table, we use cards, to help quickly see current state across all branches.
January 2017
ReSecurity App

ReSecurity App


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