Ekaterina Romanova's profile

Merch for brand DEVOTION

Devotion club is all about love, loyalty and enthusiasm for people and life, however the sheer art of devotion is to be mastered. 

In prints, classic art is combined with modern art, creating unique images.The Devotion club allows you to look at the paintings of great artists from a different angle.

Devotion club focuses on ability and opportunity to cherish and celebrate life through means of self-development, progress, helping others and love. This is further seen through embracement of art which enables people of different cultures, nationalities, and ethnicities to come together physically (at museums and galleries) but also spiritually and mentally where collective appreciation allows everyone to connect on a multitude of levels. 

Art is embedded within humanity itself, it underscores and represents different historical periods and zeitgeists, displaying human values and truths at different times. Art functions as a holistic portal to a deeper understanding of humans and the self.
Merch for brand DEVOTION


Merch for brand DEVOTION

В рамках проекта разработан логотип бренда и коллекция принтов для одежды. Основная идея мерча - соединить великую классику и современное абстрак Read More
