The WanderingSoul's profile

Landscape Photography of the Year 2021

Landscape Photography
Landscape Photography of the Year 2021
(Another Year Of A Lonely Life)
Nur das, was wir alleine sind, sind wir wirklich.

Those, who follow my work for a while now, may know my yearly attempts to reflect on the past, summarize each month and include a few selected images. Quite frankly, everything feels kind of useless for a while now. Therefore, writing about each month of this year wouldn’t make much sense. Also, it would be mainly about different states and faces of loneliness. At different places I lived, and different countries I travelled to. I decided to pause with the habit and concentrate on a brief summary instead.

I travelled again about a hundred days for the purpose of photography, and finding rest. I wonder at how many different places I slept. No matter if in my car aside a road, in the mountains, or the coast. Overall, I drove about 29.000 kilometre all on my own. Frankly, this amount baffles me just as much as the fact that I hadn’t really met anyone meanwhile. I still don’t feel home anywhere, nor call someone close to me. The feeling of being familiar to different places occasionally crossed my mind, but never lasted long.

I guess, this year wasn’t that different than the others. Maybe I shouldn’t complain that much about loneliness and the like. Unfortunately, I can’t recall very much but certainly do remember a few car rides. Especially earlier this year, in winter, through heavy snowfalls. In summer, a twelve-hour drive through almost the entire country on a day with high temperature. And, another ride in spring. Probably one of the funnier moments of my life happened back then. Abroad, on my way back home, around 3 o’clock in the morning I was already awake and driving for quite a while. At this time, the highway was deserted and spontaneously I decided to cook some porridge with my camping stove on the passenger’s seat. I remember it vividly. Driving there all on my own, cooking porridge meanwhile and finally enjoying the meal as kilometre after kilometre went by endlessly. I really liked it because of the freedom it showed. Another thing which stood out to me recently, was not hearing anything for a whole year now from the one I once fell in love with. It’s a first.

Anyway, I’m very thankful for the music of The Cure, whxami, Biv, Escape the Day, Hava A Nice Life, A Silver Mt. Zion, Planning For Burial, This Will Destroy You, Hania Rani, Peter Gregson, BEDROOM and Fog Lake which mainly accompanied me during this time.


Landscape Photography of the Year
- 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 -
(definitely one of my favorite images overall)
(actually, I haven't published the series to this place so far)
(it felt like winter)
(these lonely summer evenings I remember well)
Landscape Photography of the Year 2021

Landscape Photography of the Year 2021
