Xuân Lê's profile

What will you do before our fresh air gets polluted?

What will you do before our fresh air gets polluted?
     I think it's already polluted in many places.
         ​​​​​​​Change your way of thinking before it's too late, instead of sleeping in a little longer and rushing to wake up busy for breakfast, then wipe your motorbike and rush to work, wake up a little earlier to leisurely prepare breakfast for the whole family and then exercise by cycling to work, breathing in the fresh air with less dust in the early morning, walking while enjoying the scents and scenes fresh things, but the rush of life has swept us away like a motorbike, unable to slow down for us to enjoy. Instead of using a motorbike anywhere near or far, think of more active means such as cycling or walking to best cut your own emissions, it's a small thing. We first contribute to each of our later breaths. Because in this Covid 19 pandemic do you realize, breathing is the first condition that determines whether we are alive or dead!
What will you do before our fresh air gets polluted?


What will you do before our fresh air gets polluted?
