Wearable Art Project
Approach: This corset is a wearable art project from my senior year of highschool. When brainstorming this corset, I went through sketches and lists of materials and researched different types of corsets and the history behind them and many other issues relating to women. I wanted to make a corset, something that women had to deal with back then, out of materials that represented what women deal with today. Most of the corset is made of pads and tampons, to represent what all women deal with every month and the luxury tax put on these essential items. The measuring tape represents body image and how it is something many women still feel pressure about. The coins represent the 79 cents that women make for every dollar a man makes. The coat hangers reprsent abortion and the related issues that women still deal with in many places.I chose pink to represent the idea that people still associate pink with “feminine” or what some consider “girly.”
Wearable Art

Wearable Art
