Fernando Rivera Luna's profile

Art Direction: The Fall of Cancer

Art Direction: The Fall of Cancer
A picture is worth a thousand words and that is what we were told to do for this project. Every picture should tell a story but many pictures put together should REALLY tell a story. A photo story, or photo essay, is a means of visual storytelling. Photo story, or photo essay, means presenting a story or essay primarily through images. Of course, many photo stories have written elements that help narrate the story. And, individual images may even have captions that give more in-depth information or context to that photo.
This was a special story to me that I wanted to share about the battle of breast cancer that my mom faced this year. I call it the fall of cancer because this whole process was during this fall semester this year but it's also used as a double meaning. The other meaning is the fall of cancer as in my mom has no more cancer. It was a story worth telling and the picture will take you through the emotional rollercoaster that these past months have been in our family. I think the emotion that you can see through the pictures is what really inspired me to do this story. I used pictures that I was taking before I knew about this project because I wanted to document my mom process to keep for myself. It was a better chose to do this and share them with other people to help inspire and motivate others.
These were some of the pictures that were my first choice to go with but not all of them ended up in the final product.
These were the pictures I ended up picking and that I edited with VSCO and Lightroom. I decided to go with a darker tone because the subject is a very dar subject for people. I decided to have a blur effect on every photo to show the true emotion of every picture and focus on that part of the picture.
Each caption represents the overall feeling of every picture but is also very bland for self interpretation. 
Art Direction: The Fall of Cancer

Art Direction: The Fall of Cancer
