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Monster illustration workshop

Illustration  2D - 3D - 2D REMIX workshop
I wasn't a big fan of this workshop, purely because I wasn't a big fan of the editorial newspaper topic. However, I did enjoy learning about the range of artists and different styles that utilise such a minimalist use of colour to still get beautiful and maximalist results.
Illustration context

Illustration is found in many different end user contexts, illustrators often make work for many different end user contexts in their careers and they often work for typical commercial end user contexts but, often also work for exhibitions and sale.


in this workshop
- make an early prototype for a role playing client
- the prototype will be of monster desktop paper ornaments
- you are required to design monsters and also the way they stand up
- at least one prototype is required but more than one is prefereable.

Illustrators who create

Emma Carlisle - online shop, own product lines
I really enjoyed researching Emma Carlisle, a graduate of University of Plymouth with a first class hons in illustration. I love this sense of charming simplicity that comes from both her work sold on etsy (which has since been discontinued due to Carlisle suffereing from burn out and moving onto different mediums and topics).

Karolin Schnoor - online shop, sells products​​​​​​​
Whilst looking through suggested illustratorys work i found this paper box illustrated and made by Karolin Schnoor, this makes a perfect reference point and inspiration for our paper monster project as the form of the box is unusual yet the shape doesnt make the paper look to flimsy.

Linus Lohoff - an Art director and photographer based in Barcelona, spain
quick response

using materials such as paint, crayons and pens we were instructed to quickly cover 3 x A£ sheets with materials responding to 3 words picked from the list on the left. One texture represented on each sheet
Their are two main aspects that i can  look at for this project; paper characters, and monsters.

a) Pick a number between 1-4
1 = flying  2 = sub-aquatic 3= terrestrial 4 = ailen

B) pick a number between 1-4: how many heads

C) Pick a number between 1-8: how many limbs

D) Pick a number between 1-5
1 = cuddly  2 = stares  3 = Mysterious  4 = smiley  5 = creepy

E) Pick a number between 1-2
1 = Clothed  2 = Unclothed
Here are some sketches i  did in class using this method to determine random features of the monsters.
Then using two pieces of paper that i prepared before class i made collages of monsters, focusing on the combination of slimy and fur textures.
In the first picture i used two pens on each person to sketch out a face unplanned and used the choice of colour to help inspire me on the different styles and characteristics. the second drawings i did in class were we were told to construct scenes of our monsters, becuase i am extremely indicisive i hadnt designed my monsters yet and chose a fish i had sketched previously to depict these scenes.
Here is my initial planning for the paper monsters, i wanted it to be themed around colour and aimed towards children as a pen holder. I  decided on some simple face designs with an almost Telly Tubby esque look.
Again, i did some quick sketches to help me get a better idea of the monsters i wanted to make, choosing three colours and altering the designs based on the emotions those colours tend to draw out.
After i did an illustration of some sort of 'advertisement' or draft up of how i want the product to look i wanted to play around with the colour.
Here are my end favourate ones.
Research Project:

choose two of the following publishers to write a short analysis  of - what do they specialise in/ who might their intende audience be?

find an example of a publisher / collective / or illustration based organisation with whom you would like to work in the future

Flying Eye Books

One of the first publishers i looked into was Flying Eye Books, which came about in 2013. FEB focuses on high quality illustration with a central focus on non-fiction and childrens books. Their intended audience is for children all around the world with a plethora of titles and books being translated into a range of languages.


Nieves was the next publishing i looked into. Nieves is an independant publishing house based in Surich, Switserland. Nieves is more focused around artists books and sines so their intended audience is of a higher age range then FEB, probably aimed towards young adults.

The Museum of Everything 

An example of an organisation or collective that i would like to work with in the future is The Museum of everything. The Museum of Everything has a central focuses on everything 'Outsider Art' meaning they focus on unclassafiable artists and untrained artists. I have long since adored this astablishement as to how dedicated they seem to be with upholding and respecting the work of individuals whos work has been overlooked and underappreciated for decades in some cases.

Visit A.O.I online and find an example of an artist whose work you are inspired by

When i was looking around on A.O.I online i found Graeme Zirks work. Graeme Zirk, based in Vancouver is an illustrator with a background in Graphic Design. His work stood out to me by its simplictic charm. recently i have been really interested in digital art and Zirk's work is something that inspires me to  better my skill digitally. His simplictic use of colours and line work hold homage to is original inspirations of Japanese confectionary packaging, early interface design, skateboarding and modernism.


over all i liked the beginning of this workshop, as i found drafting and sketching loads of monsters very enjoyable. it allowed me to get used to not overthinking my motions when im drawing and just allow myself to doodle. however i didnt like the end of this workshop as i used painted toilet role for mt mock ups, i really dont enjoy painting so this is probaly why.

Monster illustration workshop

Monster illustration workshop


Creative Fields