The Breakfirst Feed - Making Breakfast your First Feed

The Problem
People don't realize having a good breakfast will help improve their mood throughout the day.

Target Audience
Primarily Young Adults  

People use Facebook to express their emotion and it is usually the first things that they check every morning.

We collaborate with Facebook & Malaysia Mental Health Association and create a campaign using GPT-3 to create a personalized animation that automatically corresponding to the audience negative feeling post and lead them to the website that show how breakfast can help them to cure their mental well-being.
Example of the personalized animation based on the keywords
Campaign Mobile Website
Case Studies Video
Concept Board
Aderline Ng Ay Keng - Video Editing & Motion Graphic
Tan Hui Wen - Art Director & Animation
Shannon Gunawan - Voice Over

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The Breakfirst Feed - Making Breakfast your First Feed