Language Express

A 2019 project developed in collaboration with the MICITT (Costa Rica's Ministry of Science, Innovation, Technology and Telecommunications), Fair Play Labs, Ilisa Language School, and some experts in related areas, looking to research and develop an application to practice a second language while playing.

My Role

During the first stages of the Ux research, I was introduced to the team of users and experts working with a Design Sprint methodology in the development of the product, to assist in several activities and keep on with the whole design process from a moderator perspective, as well as an active participant and finally proposing a final design, which luckily would be implemented afterwards.

So we went ahead with Ux activities such as: journey maps, user interviews, "How might we?", Crazy 8's, paper prototyping, and storyboards. 

Work team formed by high school students, a Spanish teacher, engineers, a psychologist, and a designer, while on different Design Sprint sessions activities.

Journey map generated in one of the team sessions, looking to demonstrate how a user interacts with a digital product and specifically how a user establish a conversation in a second language.

A sample of possible solutions sketches that followed the Journey map activity in a Crazy 8s individual brainstorm, once the challenge was clear for all the participants.

Flow diagram. After sketching and assessing all the possibilities that emerged in previous activities, a "Deciding" phase is on. As a team, all vote and decide which features will be included in the Prototype phase, so a flow diagram is defined.

A sample of the set of low fidelity wireframes that were produced for a first Paper prototyping test with the potential users. Three rounds of these were done before starting to consider a look and feel establishment.

Games included in the 3rd round of paper prototyping, these are only a first approach to the actual games, further testing must be done afterwards.

Several moodboard options were displayed to the group, this is the one selected by vote.

Design system defined for the app mockups, which was the last phase in which I was included in the project.

Language Express


Language Express
