The well-known CityLife in Milan is one of the largest residential-commercial districts in Europe and GammaStone is proud to be a part of it. The GammaStone solutions can be found in the lobby and several interior areas of the prestigious Libeskind Tower.
GammaStone Natural Air panels made with the symbolic Carrara white marble form the emblematic pyramidal columns; panels which fully meet Daniel Libeskind’s design concepts for the tower. The project consists of several polygonal shapes with irregular thicknesses and angles, but once again GammaStone shows its skills and flexibility in challenging projects by providing smart solutions.
The 3D volumes are placed between the panels with a wooden finish, which enhance the charm of natural stone.
Gammastone responds to the request of the archistar Libeskind. At the entrance of the Libeskind Tower in Milan, there are more than 500 three-dimensional monolithic elements with complex and variable geometry- Every single element is wisely designed to follow the style of the building. For this project our material experts visited the Carrara quarry and carefully selected the slabs which met our standards in order to be processed in our laboratories. The material’s characteristics creates a homogenous atmosphere between the columns and the geometric shapes. Moreover, a magnificent aesthetic effect has been applied to the design using wooden columns among the marble and opaque elements.
Libeskind Tower

Libeskind Tower


Creative Fields