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How do you perform an SEO Audit?

How do you perform an SEO Audit?

Every business wants to rank high in search engines, but not every business knows how to do this. This is one of the reasons why most businesses hire an SEO company or consultant that can help them by performing a SEO site audit. A SEO audit, including an SEO Technical Audit Service, is the process of analyzing a business’ website and then making recommendations for improving its performance in organic search results.

Here are some that companies conducting SEO audits in Memphis provide effective services to their clients.
Check the page titles and meta descriptions to see if they're unique and relevant.
Checking the titles and meta descriptions of the web pages are the first step to an SEO Audit. By creating unique title tags and meta descriptions you can increase the website’s chances of ranking higher on Google or other search engine sites. If there is duplicate content, not only will it hurt the rankings but it could also cause problems with penalties from Google which would be very costly for a business. Duplicate content issues are easy to spot, however, if they aren't fixed immediately, they can lead to bigger problems down the line including having all of your penalized backlinks removed by manual penalty reviews.

Check the content on the site to make sure it's not duplicated or irrelevant.
Duplicated and irrelevant content on a website can cause a variety of problems ranging from lower rankings to penalization issues. A company providing SEO Audit services will make sure that the site content isn't duplicated by doing a search in quotes for phrases or sentences on all pages and then compare the results with each other. If there are multiple instances where similar text appears, it may be time to rewrite the web content according to industry best practices. Also, it is essential to make sure that the content isn't too irrelevant to be useful. If a page on the site is totally unrelated to the topics that have been covered in other pages of the website, then it can create issues as well.

Get rid of any broken links or missing images that may be preventing people from finding what they need.
Broken or missing links can also create a negative user experience. Through a SEO site audit, the consultant can locate any broken links or missing links and correct these so that they work as they should. This helps a website to be more accessible and user friendly.

Check the code used for headers, footers, navigation bars, etc., making sure there are no errors in them.
Erroneous coding can be really bad for a website, and so it is important to check through the code used for headers, footers, navigation bars etc. Checking that they are all in place and working so that there are no bugs or errors in them which may cause issues later on is vital.

Make sure the website is mobile-friendly so that visitors can easily access all of its features on their phones or tablets.
These days with so many people using mobile devices it is imperative that a business' website is mobile friendly because if it is not, visitors may go to a competitor's website who offer the same products and services but have an easier mobile-friendly site.

Benefits of conducting an effective SEO audit.
Increased Website Traffic.
Improved Search Rankings.
Brand Awareness.
Brand Authenticity.

An effective SEO audit is critical to knowing how well a site is doing in the Internet world today because it provides insights on what can be improved or changed, that will increase visitors (or potential customers) coming to the site through search engines like Google. An SEO Audit would include various things such as checking for broken links, images with missing alt tags and headings throughout the website. It also includes examining content for keywords making sure they are relevant to the topic being discussed so that when a visitor searches related phrases these terms show up in an organic result from a search engine query results page, which means more chances of ranking top on the search engine result pages.

It is good practice for anyone managing a website, whether they are experienced with online marketing and want to make sure their skills haven't deteriorated over time; or if the person who first built the website has left and someone else needs to take care of optimizing content for search engines, to make sure nothing was missed in terms of SEO best practices during development. It also helps identify new opportunities such as linking up blog posts together so users have more chances to find information relevant results from organic searches performed by others looking for topics.

The benefits of doing a SEO audit include finding out if anything needs changing or tweaking on your website which might improve its rankings with Google and other search engines, getting rid of any errors or bugs which could cause issues further down the line, making sure that every part of your website works correctly before going live online etc. A SEO Audit can be quite time consuming because there are so many different things that need to be checked on the website, but it is well worth the effort and the time spent on it.
How do you perform an SEO Audit?

How do you perform an SEO Audit?


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