This first year project at college focused us on how We apply ourselves to  different media’s, whilst drawing life objects. I explored different drawing, painting and mark making techniques, and researched other artist styles and techniques. Reimagining the life objects in their style.
My sketch work showcases my processes with different media’s and experimentations with the objects, As well as Showcasing my development of new techniques.
- I used line gradient and shading techniques, as well as, pointillism with paint.
My mixed media board, showcases my interpretations of these life objects using a ranger of media’s Such as: acrylic, watercolour, fine liner and pencil, as well as highlighting the new techniques I had learnt. 
- I chose the artists Cedric rivrain and David downtown for my style interpretation research, due to there unique approach to drawing.
- I applied their style to my own approach to drawing the life objects.
- my approach to David downton’s was to keep it minimal and I used gouache to make sure the colours didn’t blend together.
- my approach to Cedric rivrain was must like his own style. I drew more detailed sections and added a blend of watercolours. 
 - This was to further how I approached using certain media’s and how i adapt as an artist.
For my style experimental board, I Chose to to refine my work seen  in my sketchbook- inspired from David Downtown and Cedric Rivrain, of which Both very have different styles.
 This project pushed me to adapt and experiment, to learn new techniques in drawing and painting as well as learning how different styles affect the medium I use. I enjoyed this project but would of benefitted with more fine liner influences. This work gave me a lot of creative freedom even with the confined objective and helped me explore how I communicated an object through a range of expressive tools. I found that I really liked working with fine liners and had become one of my preferred media’s, sadly it didn’t feature much throughout the rest of the project. I took joy in the style interpretation research, however I wish I had looked for artists who use fine liner in their style, as i know It would of helped my approach to the task easier. Overall I was able to apply a mixture of techniques and styles to my own repertoire of skills and was very proud of my outcome.​​​​​​​
Visual Recording!

Visual Recording!


Creative Fields