With this immersive sound journey in augmented reality, the OSM invites you to take place among the musicians during a concert. Find yourself enthralled by the incredible complexity of musical compositions and the work of musicians from the comfort of your living room. 

This unique experience to try on an iPad or iPhone equipped with earphones, invites you to stroll among the Orchestra’s instruments and to experience precise acoustical perspectives, as if you were in the musicians’ and performers’ shoes – or rather, ears. ​​​​​​​
Each family of instruments and their seating layout are magnificently illustrated with allusive shapes animated by the rhythms of the musical works.
Immerse yourself in your real environment or activate the 3D reproduction of the concert hall Maison Symphonique de Montréal. Walk around, listen and observe the music that surrounds you.​​​​​
Client: Orchestre symphonique de Montréal
Created and built by Dpt.
Technology by musician Zack Settel and 6Dmusic Inc.,WalkThruMusic™
OSM Polyphonique

OSM Polyphonique

An augmented reality experience and immersive listening journey at the heart of the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal. Move, listen, observe the Read More
