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Are You Going for Intrauterine Insemination?

Are You Going for Intrauterine Insemination? Read This First

Intrauterine insemination is a straightforward operation in the office known as artificial insemination (IUI). The doctor puts the pre-gathered sperm into the uterine cavity, which was processed in the laboratory. The laboratory “washes” the sperm before implantation by eliminating seminal fluid and focusing the sperm.

How Is It Done?

Using fertility treatments, IUI can enhance the function of ovulation during the natural ovulation of a woman. Over-the-board prediction kits for ovulation may be used to determine the ovulation of the woman.

This sperm is inserted higher into the womb to pass the uterus and shorten the journey through the fallopian tubes. This raises the sperm number, which is likely to meet the egg.

For Whom IUI Works The Best?

IUI is strongly recommended for people who have had trouble conceiving a child through natural means. For couples under thirty-five, this means having unprotected sex for up to one year. Couples over thirty-five may be a candidate for IUI if they’ve been having unprotected sex for six months. Additionally, IUI applicants should not suffer from medical disorders that influence the overall health of the individual. They should be in good general condition.

Benefits of Intrauterine Insemination :

The key plus point of this Intrauterine Insemination procedure is -

Sperms are “washed” and concentrates by IUI and inserted straight into the uterus, bringing it closer to the egg. In specific pairs who have had difficulties getting pregnant, the pregnancy can be increased by this technique.

Things To Remember Before You Go To An IUI Clinic/ Centre in Nairobi:

The more you pay/invest, the better you will get, is a renowned expression. Certainly, IUI, IVF, ICSI therapy of high quality involves a high expense.

The IUI treatment cost in Nairobi would certainly not be cheap if you want to get the best out of it. However, they will take care of you well and will not deceive you.

Since Nairobi is home to several significant IUI clinics, there are many IUI centres in Nairobi. Couples will indeed have a lot of choices.

Best IUI centres in Nairobi conduct comprehensive testing to determine the exact causes of male and female infertility. They also provide IVF treatment, embryo freezing and Intrauterine insemination treatment and laser-assisted hatching in Nairobi. IUI treatment cost in Nairobi is undoubtedly a little costly. These clinics offer brilliant services to their clients. IUI clinics in Nairobi adopt an all-over approach because, no doubt, these centres provide the best service.


Intrauterine Insemination is less offensive. IUI treatment cost in Nairobi is less expensive when compared with IVF, ICSI. Comparatively, it also gives less stress to the body.

There is expertise in different IUI clinics in Nairobi. Getting treated in one of these clinics are highly beneficial. They provide washing procedures to enhance sperm quality by moving prostaglandins, infectious agents, antigenic proteins, non-motile spermatozoa, immature germ cells, etc., resulting in quality sperm.
Are You Going for Intrauterine Insemination?

Are You Going for Intrauterine Insemination?


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