During semester 2 of my architecture degree at QUT I and many others took part in a impact lab. In this impact lab we were asked to help solve or improve a scenario for a charity. I choose to work on the SevGen program with many others. The founder of SevGen Terri Waller asked my group and I to help improve their Airbnb get away that provides significant funding for the charity. My group members Masnanda Birawa, Erica Fisher, Isabelle Kroutil, Will Stoneley and Zac Pholmen where fantastic to work with and together created what we believed to be a effective solution to her problem. Which consisted of improving their presence online, promotion of their charity and signage on their property. The idea we proposed to Terri can be found below.
The purpose of this project was to help improve the experience for users at the SevGen Airbnb. 
To summarise the main problem as decided by my group and I for SevGen a charity group working to help native Australians wasn't the activities they had on offer but their lack of signage, promotion and media presence for their Airbnb. It was believed this was their biggest issue as they stated it is one of their main forms of income.  
Our first solution to the problem was to improve their Airbnb page and make it more appealing to holiday goers or those looking for a weekend escape. While also informing them on what SevGen does as a non-profit organisation. 
The second part of the improvement was signage both on the way to the SevGen house to let people know about it and promote it. As well as around the property to help inform them about the area they are in and the native uses for the plants. 
The impact our solution had would increase their presence in the public eye, helping them raise funds for other projects but also teach visitors to the Airbnb house about  native plants and how they are used by Native Australians traditionally. 
SevGen Airbnb

SevGen Airbnb
