A chaotic interpretation of a man unaware of the uncertainty of his existence, reflecting the condition of the author, Franz Kafka.
Kafka and his writing almost always dealt with each other. The close connection created between his condition as a patient and this particular tale - “O Abutre” - was the basis for the creation of this piece.
Starting from the idea of ​​creating a Universe in which the greatest uncertainty is the existence of the being, characterized by a non-place, a room without walls and without end. This scenario was achieved by using a Green Screen together with the choices made in post-production.
The simplicity of the solution adopted to serve as a sound component - white noise - creates yet another layer whose purpose is to reinforce the idea that something is missing: the character's uncertainty about his condition, an uncertainty that gets worse throughout the video, in the same way that the sound becomes more intense.
Finally, referring to the use of typography, this denotes that it is a short story. The role he assumes, being almost a character in the story, the vulture, gives this choice a high importance, especially in the final scenes of the play.
o abutre

o abutre
