The world of photography is subjective.  It is also a world that is accessible to all and I genuinely believe that this is a good thing.

Being creative is an opportunity to have a voice, a method of allowing yourself to escape the realities of your life and be free.  Free from the responsibilities, stresses and pressure that we out upon ourselves and that which is placed upon us by others.

To be truly creative is too simply create.  Not for the accolade of strangers but for self fulfilment the simple act of doing gives you personality.

I'm always looking for ways to innovate, to push my own creative boundaries and produce something different, which is why I believe its important to take the time to have a personal project.  It may be within the same field you currently occupy, but to do something that means something to you, and nobody else is important, to allow you the time to develop your skill set, to try new things and become a more rounded, sharper creative.

That's what these photos are, something I wanted to have a go at, to broaden my editing skills and to push my creative mindset into thinking outside the box.
Be Creative. Be Inspired. Be You.
Neon Project


Neon Project


Creative Fields