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Food Photography | Protein Bites

Level Up Your Snack Game!!!
At Protein Bites, we never settle. We choose real ingredients over fancy ones. Quality over quantity. Real pleasure over guilty pleasure. We’re here to fix those hunger pangs. Whenever, wherever. To eat or not to eat is not the question. 
Cocoa Nuts Truffles
We use 70% cocoa as it is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants to support insulin sensitivity. Dark chocolate will aid in enhancing your heart health while improving your cholesterol profile. Adding refined sugar to this super food is NOT an option at Protein Bites, so we go all natural.
Coconut Truffles
A perfect blend of freshly shredded coconut and nutty treats, this coconut truffle is a whole protein packed snack that will satisfy your taste buds and keep your stomach happy.
Peanut Butter Truffles
A perfectly balanced snack handcrafted with the delicious healthy fats from peanut butter, nutty almonds and organic honey. With 4g of pure protein and 2g of carbs in each truffle, this protein loaded truffle is a perfect pre- and post-workout snack.
Thank You
Food Photography | Protein Bites


Food Photography | Protein Bites
