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Locative Hybrid Games Series | Porto Alegre Stories

Porto Alegre Stories: a game design series to enhance urban spaces 

Aplicativo em uso | App in use
Porto Alegre Stories (originally in portuguese: Histórias de Porto Alegre) is a locative games series, whose goal is the enhancement of the urban spaces of the city of Porto Alegre in a playful and participative way. The series consists of five episodes with different storytelling and tasks. The script for each episode rescues narratives related to the city, calls 'urban legends', which drives the player to experience the city in an unusual way: by collecting clues, performing tasks, visiting public and tourist spaces and encouraging social and cultural involvement by the players. Through the convergence of various media, this game merges the virtual and real space, reality and fantasy, making the game a hybrid and authentic experience for locals and tourists of the city of Porto Alegre.

Porto Alegre Stories est une série de jeux géolocalisés composée de cinq épisodes avec différents parcours, storytelling et tâches. L'objectif du projet est la valorisation des espaces urbains à Porto Alegre d'une façon amusante et participative. Le scénario utilise les "légendes urbaines" à partir desquelles le joueur se motive à découvrir la ville d'une nouvelle façon: par la collecte d'indices, l'exécution de petites tâches, la résolution d'énigmes, la visite aux lieux publics et touristiques. La mécanique du jeu encourage la participation sociale et culturelle des joueurs. Grâce à la convergence médiatique, le jeu fusionne l'espace virtuel et le réel, la réalité et la fantaisie, ce qui rend le jeu une expérience hybride authentique.

Histórias de Porto Alegre é uma série de jogos locativos, cujo objetivo é a valorização dos espaços urbanos da cidade de Porto Alegre de forma lúdica e participativa. A série é composta por cinco episódios com diferentes trajetos e tarefas. O roteiro de cada episódio resgata narrativas relacionadas à cidade, as chamadas 'lendas urbanas', a partir das quais motiva o jogador a transitar e experimentar a cidade de maneira inusitada: coletando pistas, realizando tarefas, visitando espaços públicos e turísticos e incentivando o envolvimento social e cultural dos jogadores. Através da convergência de diversas mídias, o jogo mescla o espaço virtual e o espaço real, a realidade e a fantasia, tornando o percurso do jogo uma experiência autêntica e diferenciada para moradores e turistas da cidade de Porto Alegre.
Identidade Visual do Jogo | Visual Identity of the Game
Porto Alegre Stories is a project that aims to encourage the occupation of public spaces in the city, the dissemination of knowledge about the city and its spaces, as well as the cultural and social involvement of the participants, therefore it is configured as an initiative to promote the city, without a direct form of commercialization. It can be started at any time, with the dry seasons being especially favorable, to facilitate movement through urban spaces, and the vacation periods, when the city receives more tourists and residents have more free time to participate. There is no need for all episodes to be offered in sequence: although they form a set, each episode makes sense individually.​​​​​​​
Identidade Visual dos Episódios | Visual Identity of the Episodes
One of the great challenges was to merge the real environment and the virtual environment, through various technologies interconnected by a script with a beginning, middle and end, which had a fantasy appel and at the same time valued city's history and promoted the use of its spaces. In addition, the game has elements of different natures, each of which requires a specific project, integrated with the others: visual identity, app, totem and promotional game kit.
The game mixes features of different types of games: location-based games, alternate reality games (ARGs), role playing games (RPG) and advergames. The complexity of the game's mechanics was also a challenge. Each round of the game includes 8 steps, in the different stations: visiting the station (place of collecting clues), deciphering the password, entering the password in the application, receiving the information from the application, participating/watching the action carried out at that station, documenting and producing content about the station, receive material or information, discover the next station and repeat the previous steps again at each station in the game. All the stations and all the steps taken in each one of them needed to be consistent with the episode's script, with the features of the place and, in addition, be easily accessible and easy to carry out. The game mechanics was designed to include various means of communication and interaction, whether virtual or real (app, advertisements in traditional and social media, social media posts, totems, urban furniture already existing in the places, etc). Being able to coordinate all these elements in an experience with all the requirements established by the project was the most complex task of the project.
Mecânica do jogo e trajeto do episódio 1 | Game's mechanics and route od Episode 1
The elements present in the game vary according to each episode, but the smartphone app and the totems are present in any of the episodes of the series.
Aplicativo adaptável a smartphones e tablets | Responsive app
Aplicativo: modo social e modo jogo | App: social and game mode
Aplicativo em uso no modo jogo | App in game mode
Totem: função, estrutura e montagem | Totem sign: function, structure and assembly
Totem locado na Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre | Totem sign in City Hall of Porto Alegre

Totem locado na Rua da Praia | Totem sign in the street
as a way to reward players who reach the end of each episode, a game kit was designed, containing 02 buttons, 05 postcards (corresponding to the historical places visited), 01 booklet with more information about the urban legend that served of inspiration for the respective episode, 01 gift related to cultural services under the responsibility of the City Hall of Porto Alegre (for example, a ticket for the tourist bus) and 01 ecobag to pack all items.
Kit Jogo: 01 livreto, 01 brinde oferecido pela Prefeitura, 05 postais, 02 bottons, 01 ecobag | Game kit: 01 booklet, 01 gift related to cultural services offered under the responsibility by the Prefecture of Porto Alegre, 05 postalcards, 02 bottons, 01 ecobag
Kit Jogo | Game kit
Porto Alegre Stories is, above all, a multidisciplinary project. Within the Design area, the project combines elements of: game design, experience design, visual identity design, editorial design, promotional design, signage design and interface design.
The game mobilizes this knowledge so that the player can experience a true immersion in the history of Porto Alegre and, by relating to its fun and fascinating urban legends, get to know, value and occupy the spaces of the city, interacting with it and its residents.
The project takes advantage of the Brazilian public's affinity and interest in technologies, the penetration of mobile telephony among the various layers of society, and the didactic potential of the playful experience, to teach residents and tourists about its past and present. It uses social networks to make the game viral, through the social mode of the application that allows the production and sharing of content.

Totem e aplicativo em uso | Totem sign and app in use
Totem e aplicativo em uso | Totem sign and app in use
Graduation Project | Visual Design UFRGS 2013
Advisor Professor: Suely Fragoso
Locative Hybrid Games Series | Porto Alegre Stories


Locative Hybrid Games Series | Porto Alegre Stories

The present work presents the proposal of a location-based game which aims at enhancing the urban spaces of the city of Porto Alegre in a playful Read More
