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Packaging Design for the Appel Feinkost Portfolio

Appel Feinkost - Packaging Design Relaunch
More than 140 years ago, Heinrich Wilhelm Appel sold the first pickled herring fillets in his grocery store in Hanover, northern Germany. Today, Appel, with its headquarters in the coastal town of Cuxhaven, is one of the most traditional fish and delicatessen brands in Germany. The eye-catching logo and the striking blue colour guarantee brand recognition. However, the time had come to modernise pack appearance and bring it up to date with the changing needs of the target group. Appel commissioned HAJOK Design with the relaunch of over 50 products.

At first glance of the overall portfolio, we noticed that the tonality of the brand was inconsistent, product range differentiation was not bold enough and the designs also looked very complex. In addition, the high quality of the Appel brand was barely visible and the product presentation no longer generated any contemporary appetite appeal. We recommended more clarity, more authenticity and more enjoyment! To rejuvenate the brand and strengthen shelf impact, we made use of modern typography, high-contrast colours and naturally staged food images.

The famous Appel trademark, a lobster with big claws, was designed by the artist Änne Koken back in 1905. This timeless logo still works today. We decided to simply remove the reflections giving it clarity and a more modern look. The colour effect of the new packaging design is darker overall and underlines the quality of the products. The curved line ensures brand recognition and separates the on-pack information area from the serving suggestion. This contemporary top view has natural appetite appeal. The clear structure and modern typography help establish differentiation across the overall portfolio. Nordic, modern and eye-catching - Appel has a new look!
The "Since 1879" quality flash was almost invisible – now it has found its perfect place under the 
In addition to our design expertise, our copywriting skills came to the fore with this project as we developed an advertisement promoting the new packaging design.
Packaging Design for the Appel Feinkost Portfolio

Packaging Design for the Appel Feinkost Portfolio
